Bike Workshop Info

F.I.S.T. BASIC Workshop


$1,899 ($495 deposit required, remaining balance to be paid on the second day of the workshop)

Lincoln, Nebraska

4841 N 84th St, Lincoln NE 68507


LNK (Lincoln, NE) - 30m

OMA (Omaha, NE) - 1hr

GRI (Grand Island, NE) - 1hr30m - 2hr

Workshop Details

What we teach is based on the axiom that when there is a consensus among top athletes as to how a sport is conducted, that consensus is what we teach, deliver and reproduce. The result of a F.I.S.T. fit, road or tri, should be a position that looks, smells and tastes very much like the positions you admire when you see them in a race or on the road. F.I.S.T. fitters are trained not to produce arcane positions that diverge from the norm, rather they are trained to guide their subjects toward the safety of the norm.

The benefit of "consensus" positions—both for shops and consumers—is that they conform to consensus bike geometries. We believe that the fit session was of questionable success if it did not yield a number of sensible, elegant complete bike solutions. We teach our workshops to overcome this error.

We differentiate between tools and fit protocols. A good fitter should enjoy the freedom to use any conforming fit tools (there are at least 5 fit bikes today that conform to modern fit methodologies). This allows the fitter to choose his tools as tools, rather than as required part of a system.

A fit session ought to begin, broadly speaking, with the establishment of a set of fit coordinates (e.g., saddle height; saddle fore/aft; handlebar elevation; cockpit distance). We teach a protocol at our workshops that accomplishes this.

Then the fitter turns these fit coordinates to a set of complete bike solutions (i.e., 58cm Cannondale Evo, 120mm stem, -6° pitch, 15mm of spacers). This second part of the fit process—translating fit coordinates to complete bike solutions—is a hallmark of F.I.S.T.

Underpinning every modern fit system's calculation of complete bike solutions is its reliance on Stack and Reach: bike metrics the F.I.S.T. school identified, described, named and championed beginning in 2003. These metrics, understood and utilized, allow shops to "prescribe" solutions with great granularity: a terrific sales tool, a huge aid to the consumer, and a monumental time saver.

Here's what a typical workshop week looks like:

Monday & Tuesday Road bike fit

Wednesday Transition day, short teaching modules available on fit-related subjects or ride all day long

Thursday & Friday Tri bike fit

Upon departure, every fitter is equipped with how to use every modern fit bike: Purely Custom, GURU, Exit Cycling, Shimano, Retül.

Attendees can ride, run and/or swim while attending.

Lincoln is home of some of the best Gravel and road riding in the country. Riding, running and swimming are the things we do best (besides bike fit) and we make sure you get to do any or all three during the week as we make accommodations for rides and runs every day.

Can't bring a bike? That's ok we have a large stable of Gravel Bikes that we can size you on and show you around the Great Plains.

“If I attend a F.I.S.T. workshop, is this just the beginning of a number of hardware and software purchases I’ll be expected to make?"

In our workshops we overview all the relevant fit bikes, motion capture systems and software, as well as what we know or have good reason to suspect is coming to market. The most common sentiment is relief that inexpensive or no-charge options often replace purchases fitters expected to have to make. We’ll train you to use all the popular fit bikes and aid you in choosing the best option for your application (oh, and how to buy these bikes in the least painful way).

General Information

Attendees will always remain F.I.S.T.-Certified, road and tri, after completion of the course.

We have ceased offering further, more "advanced" courses because, in all transparency, we offer the entire breadth and depth of the knowledge that’s teachable and transferable in our BASIC course.

Slowtwitch maintains public lists and profiles of coaches, bike fitters and independent bike dealers. Each of those databases is maintained by us, while each listing is maintained by the user. Each has a field for professional designations. Of the roughly 625 fitters on our fitter database, ~500 are F.I.S.T-certified. Of the ~640 IBDs in our bike shop database, F.I.S.T. is the most frequently used protocol.

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F.I.S.T Workshop Deposit



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